Deeper Roots

from $0.00

This online 12-week class shares our influence across History and provides an in-depth literature study on either books or essays written by our esteemed ancestors. Our Deeper Roots program allows for students to exercise their voice, engage in healthy debate, dissect argument and literature, and write to express. The students will learn:

  • Our History: This Revolution covers the true story of how civilization began in Africa, our Motherland. Journey with us as we discover many brilliant ancient civilizations across the continent and learn about their kingdoms and lasting contributions to the world.

  • Literature Study: Students will read assigned literary works of art, engage in class discussion, exercise reasoning, and compose short essays to express their opinion or critique. The youth are encouraged to show leadership and initiative during each class.

    ** Students are required to maintain assignments via Google Classroom, using a link provided after registration. Parents are welcome to join the Google Classroom separately to stay abreast of assignment load and to further discussion in the home. Some assignments will include essays, videos, or presentations, yet all assignments will be uploaded and given a rubric to assess student progress. Zoom cameras MUST remain on, unless during intermission.

Meeting Day: Wednesdays, (Session 2: January 17, 2024 – April 10, 2024, *w/break week included) ) 
Meeting Time: 11:15 AM (PST) – 12:45 PM (PST)
Price: $220
**Student reading list will be provided upon registration. Any necessary books must be purchased separately and are not included.

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